The system includes possibilities for specific management financial reports. They are developed according to the needs of the client for processing and analysis of information.
Structure of the chart of accounts and dimensions
Atlas Finance maintains 10 dimensions to an account. The system allows usage of analytical relationships between analytical signs, which expands the possibilities for the analysis of the accounting information. Supported the so-called documentary analytics to account. The richness of analytics allows a detailed analytical reporting as a basis for a thorough accounting management and development of additional management reports.
Managing Budgets
The system supports budgets annually, quarterly and monthly basis at various levels – accounts, analytical sign, a combination of analytical signs.
Working with different currencies
There is no limit on the number of different currencies Atlas Finance to work with. There is possibility for all documents to be in any currency.
Integration with other system modules
The system supports 5 levels of automated accounting of documents - at item level, at document level - fully or partially automatic accounting, daily accounting, monthly accounting.
Expenses and incomes for future periods
Atlas Finance is designed for facilitation of recognition of deferred expenses and deferred income. It can be used for any kind of incomes or expenses in future periods, the recognition of which is periodically - monthly or daily depending on the chosen mode of rescheduling.
Holding structure
Atlas Finance allows to define a consolidated multi-company model offering opportunity to manage kind of holding company structure - consisting of separate legal entities for whose management and reporting purposes shall be made consolidated accounts.