Atlas Finance

Main functionalities
- All accounting transactions (cash, currency, invoices etc.) on the basis of primary accounting documents
- Automated accounting of certain operations (for example long term assets, payroll, cost of finished goods, foreign currency revaluation)
- Operations with currency
- Maintenance of cross exchange rates
- Revaluation of materials and foreign currencies
- Keeping of goods and materials in quantity and currency
- Maintenance of average prices, first in - first out (FIFO), last in - first out (LIFO), on expiration date (FEFO), on particular selected batch and other methods of goods/inventories withdrawn
- Module Basic resources - accounting and tax depreciation schedule
- History of changes on long term assets
- Revaluation of basic assets
- Copy, cancellations and correction of accounting transactions confirmed
- Preparation of VAT ledgers
- Monitor payments
- Automatic closing of payments and debts
- Provisioning of obligations under defined periods
- Automatically perform operations for the completion
- Automatic deletion of incomes and expenses for future periods
- Operations with specific templates
- Maintain a "hot" balances
- Budgets on expenditure accounts
- Maintain analytical ledger in accordance with the full analics of the chart of accounts
- Generate various types of trial balances depending on the analytical accounts
- Setting the user trial balances with different grouping and sorting
- Preparation of standard accounts (Balance Sheet, P & L, cash flow, own funds etc.)
- Preparation of detailed data for reporting on Western standards (Cash flow, Trial balance, Income and Expenses Statement etc.)
- Combined statements general ledger and trial balance (with General Ledger Opening Balances)
- References for account movements (history) and accounting journals (folders)
- Import / export of data
- Export to MS Excel, Open Office and other software programs
- Hystory of all operations of all subsystems for an indefinite period of time
- Simultaneous operation in unlimited periods and years
- Lock accounting periods on two levels - only for operations that write to the VAT register, and complete lock
- Dynamic management analysis