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Atlas ERP
Atlas ERP is developed with particular emphasis on adaptive capacity of the product to various business models. The main goal of our team is to propose a flexible, easy to set up and training solution that provides rich opportunities for optimization, management and analysis of business processes.
Atlas WebCRM
Atlas WebCRM is a web-based system that includes all the basic modules for contacts with customers and employees in a manufacturing or in a trading company.
Atlas Finance
To obtain analytical financial information system uses so-called "sources of expenses and revenues" or cost-centers, structured on one or more levels. Financial accounting module of ATLAS ERP supports 10 dimensions to an account. In addition there are analytical links to an account with a specially developed nomenclature codes for relations with other corresponding codes.
Atlas Payroll
Atlas Payroll is a software solution for Payroll and Personnel Management. It is a part of the whole integrated system Atlas ERP.