Metropolis Group JSC
Metropolis Group JSC is a dynamic and non-standard outdoor advertising company. Along with the standard billboards, they launched and proved during 10 years of many innovative outdoor projects on the territory of the whole country.
At the beginning of 2011 the volume of activity increased significantly and the previous information solutions reached the limits of their capacity. The management of the company decided to participate in the OP "Competitiveness" to obtain funding for a new project for introduction of an integrated information system for resource management. During the application process and choice of supplier, the management team of the company thoroughly examine many solutions, prioritized as the main criteria for selecting a user friendly interface, a possibility of flexible settings, speed of deployment and rich opportunities for data analysis. Metpolis Group JSC announced a competition to choose a provider, won by AS Systems.
Objectives of the project:
- Seamless and easy migration
- Increasing employee productivity by reducing the time for the processing of requests, offers etc.
- Expanding opportunities for business analysis
- Integration of various business processes in the system functionalities
- Development of an wide selection of flexible toolkits for defining and managing the marketing and the commercial activities of the company
Scope of the project
Main modules:
Finance and Accounting
Managing customer relationships
Sales and client requests
Purchasing and supply planning
Budgeting and Project Management
Cash flow management
Results achieved
Seamless migration, without interrupting the working cycle.
Easy training and rapid deployment.
Manage requests for facilities by automating the planning of employment process.
Management of contracts with suppliers and customers.
Implementation of the project
The basis of the success of the project are properly defined business processes and their integration into the system. During the planning stage of the project the teams from AS Systems and Metropolis Group held several meetings to describe in details the business processes, how they can be changed if necessary and how can be realized in the system. By extremely teamwork on both sides were defined core modules and the features of the system. Based on this information the company implementer did a prototype implementation by module groups. Key users of the system passed through basic test examples with these prototypes and gave their suggestions for amendments. After implementation of these changes, AS Systems proceeded to training of the key users and test implementations. After successful completion of this stage, the system has been successfully implemented in the specified deadlines of the project, following the conditions of OP "Competitiveness".
Cash management
The new solution allows Metropolis Group JSC to manage effectively the process of negotiating with suppliers and customers - an important condition in their specifics business model. The system maintains offers, contracts and payment plans - to them, for debts to suppliers and for claims from customers. Based on these payment plans, the system allows detailed monitoring and forecasting cash flows.
Interactive planning facilities, graphical representation of the employment
Important advantages of the new system are the rich opportunities for interactive management of the advertising facilities. For each facility system supports many characteristics, visual information, hyperlinks to external files, maintenance plan, an opportunity for tracking and planning of the employment, allocation of the total costs to each facility in order to calculate profitability of each of facility. The team of Metropolis Group JSC knows the status of each facility at the moment and in the future periods.
The system provides an interactive interface for graphical representation of the employment of the facilities. On one screen the user may reserve for a rent, switch to a real sale of advertising space, change advertising visuals, make orders to suppliers etc. Interfaces created by AS Systems have rich possibilities for filtering, sorting and grouping information. Each interface data from the system can be exported to Excel format.
Project Management
In the software system created by AS Systems has been developed flexible mechanism for defining business processes with stages, sub-stages and tasks to be performed. When the user defines a new project, he can choose from the preset structures of business processes, presented interactively in a tree structure. Fot each task is indicated contractor, subcontractor, deadline for implementation and an actual date of execution.

Manage customer relationships
There are specific features that are an important part of the project: management of contacts with potential customers, development and implementation of marketing campaigns, managing the portfolio of customers. For each client the system maintains information about a status, an active/completed contracts and offers, product portfolio, tasks, contacts made with this client in the form of meetings, emails, phone calls etc.

Business Analysis
AS Systems has created many opportunities for dynamic analysis that help the management team of Metropolis Group JSC to investigate in depth different sections of their business and to make informed decisions about the future development. Innovations in the proposed options are dynamically generated various filters based on freely defined different logics of relatedness between fields. When generating analyzes, interactive features of the forms used for visualization provide additional funds for grouping and sorting, which enrich the possible sections. Data analysis are based on data fields and on summary, financial, control parameters, statistical indicators. The system provides statistical analysis of different types – ABC analysis, XYZ analysis, trend analysis, etc.
The system, developed by AS Systems, is a three-layer, fully web-based architecture. The unique platform, own development of the company, is a basis for the speed of development and implementation of the system and for the adaptability of the proposed functionality to specific business processes of the client. As a result Metropolis Group JSC received a solution that exactly meets the initial requirements and provide a competitive advantage to a company through rapid access to accurate information.
Plans for future development of the project include development and enrichment of the analytical functionality of the system, development of opportunities for resource planning for projects and integration of new communication channels such as email and more.